attendance office
Did your child miss school today?
Parents or guardians should send in a signed note within three days after returning to school from an absence. You may also contact the school's attendance secretary to let us know the reason and date of your child’s absence.
Attendance Secretary:
Ashley Travis
(724) 637-2321, ext. 3123
Students who plan to miss school to participate in an educational tour or trip that is not school-sponsored must complete the Request for Excusal from School Attendance form and submit it to the principal's office for approval prior to the absence(s).
Challenge 5 Attendance Improvement Program
This year we are going to pilot an attendance improvement program here at Dassa McKinney Elementary School named Challenge 5. Dassa McKinney will ask our students to strive to miss five or less school days from March 4 through the end of the school year. Those students who miss five or less days throughout the remainder of the school year will receive an ice cream reward. Please view our Challenge 5 family letter from Mr. Dillon for details.